moon sign mother relationship

To be a better parent for my child. This hits pretty close to home in terms of relating to your brother for me. She has certain expectations that she always assumes you will fulfill, and you usually do. I was reading an article about your moon sign reflects your relationship with your mother and I find this so interesting. It's not that she's weak, but she is someone who lands in situations that constantly try her emotional strength. Yes, it's very true that the natural aspects to the moon describe the relationship with the Mother, and unfortunately all of the emotional troubles the person will have because of it. Everything has always got to be her way . He or she understands individuality and is able to furnish your room or buy clothes that suit you well. I don't find it hard to believe that I will quickly learn to straight talk him when he doesn't respond to my cottling. This parent may soften with age. Well, one was more than the other. Today we are more open.. but i wish i had that emotional support as a child.. Lying to the courts when I was little and fabricating a story that my father molested me so she could get custody and more money was the one burned in my mind the most, and well she lost that battle. This placement can be described as calm and centered. Gemini Horoscope Predictions for 2023. You also enjoy the same games, television programs, and classroom subjects. Your Moon sign is the zodiac sign in which the Moon was positioned at the exact moment of your birth. Individuals born with Moon in Aquarius have an inherent need to individuate, and they perceive things in ways that others may consider unconventional or outlandish. She was a working women and it made me happy to see her love in that way rather than a way that would be more interpersonal. In fact I moved to another country to be away from this sick setup you call family. You were just subject to them. At these times, she seems flighty. He or she has held back to allow a situation to play out before committing to a specific course of action, not because of hesitation, but because foresight suggests that shifts will occur in the playing field. Your relationship with your mother is never boring. Day care means that children are in the hands of other caregivers for many hours each day. This is a fantastic article! I am the child that will try MY VERY HARDEST I'm a very unconventional mother which he might appreciate once he's in his teens. I also could not stand being close to her or even telling her anything because of this. The house doesnt have to have a consistent look from one room to the next. How you describe the facade is exact, as is the guilt used to control. Pandit Vishnu is Best Astrologer in Ontario. That may be necessary. Mutable Signs . In . However, it doesn't take very long for her to catch on to your level of maturity and treat you more as equal from a rather young age. Pisces sun, Cancer moon here. When I eventually got a backbone, that's when things started to become strained. She also gives you a heads up about how a lover is likely to relate emotionally. You cant have a conversation with her. There's no point and makes me her look immature. You were extremely sympathetic to the things she went through in life and were mindful not to add anything else to her plate. She always puts work before play and she never stops planning for the future. I dont pick up and I send a message later that I was working. My moon is Pisces, Growing up my mother was very distant, It always seemed liked whenever she walked out the house door (for days sometimes) she would disappear into a her own world of hardships. Lunar Compatibility: Moon Sign & Relationships | Astrology Answers About Us Contact Us Login Horoscopes Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Pisces Astrology Articles Astrology Calendar Birth/Natal Chart Zodiac Signs Man Woman Man Woman Woman Cancer Man Woman Woman Man Woman Libra Scorpio Man Woman Sagittarius I guess its difficult to generalize a moon placement when there are so many other details that tie into how its experienced but my mother simply did not let me be myself. You sometimes only find out when you have pushed way to far at a time when your parent needs personal space. It sounds as though your moon can determine what kind of mother you have, which of course doesn't make sense. I have a Scorpio Moon. Aries sun, Merc, Mars and Saturn. Cancer May 2023 Horoscope (June 22 - July 20) On May 5, the lunar eclipse in Scorpio will bring important themes around how you allow yourself to experience pleasure to light, particularly the . I'm supposed to get along with Cancers, based on stereotypical astrology, but I find I do not. Your parent may feel sad about opportunities not taken, or events that caused a change in direction away from an important goal. Growing up with her was to ignore my own feelings and make sure she was taken care of first. Honestly, she wants best for him and me (she's a capricorn moon), but my brother needs his freedom to the maximum. So that alway puzzled me. She didn't know what respecting someones privacy was furthermore the lying kinda closed the deal on that for me. It's so incredibly hurtful, but it is not truthful. Lying to the courts when I was little and fabricating a story that my father molested me so she could get custody and more money was the one burned in my mind the most, and well she lost that battle. December 2014 She quickly realizes it is useless to try and gives you the freedom you always assume is normal in life. But it also made me realize where I truly do lack an emotional attachment to many things in life, which comes as a positive for me. We tried to comfort their sadness and talk them through hardships and because of that we are able to stay very close as adults. However, he still brings his son to see my parents, but my mom is extremely caring and provides everything financially for her grandson, but she refuses to be extra close to him. In the process, you often come to your own conclusion. However, when you aren't willing to open up and trust her, you see her as manipulative and controlling. As a child you may have thought he or she was omniscient, as you were told so often how things would turn out, and then they did. The Aries Moon parent is a study in contradictions. It is well-designed and made to last, and it comes in . Im also very independent and Anywho this article really resonated (-: Capricorn Moon in 6th house over here Very strained relationship with mother but unacknowledged because she is narcissistic and when you confront her you are the crazy one so I dont say anything anymore and come up with excuses about work not to have much contact with her. You become skilled in anticipating when information has been withheld, and may develop great investigative and logical skills in an effort to compensate for the lack of essential information. You see this resistance as willful and you believe it is only meant to sabotage your plans because you fail to realize that she only looking out for your safety and well being. Your Sun Sign is Your Key to Happiness & Success, Guess Sun Signs by Understanding Sun-Sign Auras, Top Athletes Throughout Time & Their Astrological Signs, Relationship Test: Compatibility Versus Attraction, The Secret to Sexual Chemistry is found in our Astrological Sun Signs, The Zodiac Signs & Commitment to Relationships, Moon Sign Compatibility: The Best Indicator of a Long & Successful Marriage, Aries Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Taurus Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Gemini Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Cancer Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Leo Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Virgo Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Libra Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Scorpio Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Sagittarius Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Capricorn Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Aquarius Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Pisces Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction. It's like I have to be her vision of perfect to get by in her eyes but I got sick of it. My sister moon is in Scorpio. January 2015 The power a parent has over a child is such a double edged sword. Or in many cases, she just seems to have a very difficult life, and your joys are dimmed in comparison to her hardships. From this person you learn how to get a broad overview and then gather data to flesh out every area of the subject. Very shallow and strained connection :/, The Moon represents the chart holder's mother From this parent you learn to assess realities and cultivate a practical, goal-oriented approach to life. The Moon is in the sign of its exaltation here. Your Moon sign and relationship with Mother? You have a driving desire to help her and you always believe she does everything in her power to provide the best for you. I have a Cancer Sun ex with a Capricorn moon; he had a heavy Cancer stellium, and with all other Cancer placement people in my life before him, I've not really had a good experience with people who have these placements. Although you need her close for emotional reassurance and support, you also have a tremendous need for emotional privacy. Comfort is a foundational principle in this parents approach to life. I would have preferred a bit more independent child though. Once she wasnt a single mother anymore (when I turned 8) she picked up a very bad drug habit. Despite your acute sense of her shortcomings, you accept them as being part of a her. Even your feeling life is open to criticism. Emotionally I can see why she is an Aquarius moon compared to how I was as a child. She is so oblivious to all the pain inflicted on me and she has restricted me from really living out my life so far. It's strange that my mom is controlling in different ways too. Instead, you may hear several questions to clarify and explore the situation. However, you also learn the value of quality from this parent. Shes a manipulator and very very stubborn lady . She focused on her own goals and desires. Aries Moon: The mother appeared confident, independent, assertive, selfish, and self-centered. This means that it feels almost at home in Taurus, but it can become overly confident and a bit detached from reality. Because your moon represents your security needs, which are quite powerful especially in the formative childhood years, your moon colors your attitude toward your primary and immediate security provider, usually your mother. Aquarius moon. Wow I resonated with this. FYI, the Moon is an important indicator of compatibility as it represents your emotional needs. She worked very hard and did everything she could to help me. I mother was not supportive. Just wanted to put my story out there because I don't think it was me who was trying to control the situation. You may not feel as confident as this parent, but you can emulate the appearance of style and confidence in your actions. Cancer With regard to Libra Moons, I'd like to point out the "facade" aspect to Libra. It can seem like a certain need for freedom seems to lead her away from you, and you often feel like you are more of adult than her. Aquarius Can I ask how you feel about this now that your daughter is a lot older? It colors all the subconscious stuff going on below the surfaceyour deepest needs, and what helps you feel emotionally secure. Watching my mother being physically abused by my dad, and working 2 jobs, it always seemed as if I was a burden to her. Always a champion of something, this parent can be your most ardent fan. People with the Moon in Sagittarius are parents who don't take themselves too seriously. She is fallible and often immature. I hope I can be present and involved in my sons life growing up. I have finally cut her out of my life. However, because of your intense moon in Aries desire to be a strong leader who charts your own course, your mother can also seem overbearing and willful. Traditionally this parent accepted a secondary position in terms of leadership outside the home. You know your mother always has a serious core to her regardless of her outer attitude. The Gemini Moon indicates a rather moody emotional life for your nurturing parent. My 'mother' was emotionally and psychologically evil towards me, and would still be if I hadn't gone no contact. I noticed every time i wiped her tears away, she would hug me. This parent could hide in a corner, waiting to see what might happen. MOON IN CAPRICORN: Reactions, Emotional Response and Fulfillment. We know our mothers went through hard times but they did their very best and we love them dearly. Idk if it helps but my mom is a Virgo moon. Personally, I rejected my Leo moms attempts to baby me. I cannot wait to be the best mother I can possibly be to my baby daughter. He or she knows how to handle difficult turns of events, and can teach you a lot about managing your life. I'm happy you're Mom and you had a close relationship and she was caring and supportive to you. Idk Me too. My moon is in square to majority of my planets. Aw Sag moon kind of made me sad. The parent represented by the Moon in your birth chart has the main responsibility for nurturing other family members. He was also not in the greatest spot, emotionally, but he knew how to voice his opinion. I have had to be the bigger person in all these situations and indirectly take responsibility for all our conflicts. She was religious or spiritual in many cases. Her own birth chart seems all centerd on being a malignant narcissist, it's unbelievable. However, they do draw her away from you. Just wanted to put my story out there because I don't think it was me who was trying to control the situation. If anybody has had life long problems w their Mother's, please look up Narcissistic parent disorder. but when i hit rock bottom, it was my mom who saved me from downfall. You just didnt know that your normally appreciative parent would crack down so hard. Our energy is mostly harmonious. You know when you have done something you shouldn't have, and her attempts to guide you are nice, but not really helpful. This parent may experience serious ups and downs in life, not only financial, but also regarding career, health, or other matters. Til date, my brother still has mixed feelings for Mom. Its taken years of self analysis, counseling and meditation to find some self love and peace in my life. Your Virgo Moon parent is mentally thorough and methodical. To many, this sounds fatalistic. The disciplinary role can no longer be delegated to one parent either. Years later, you parent may continue to come up with adaptations or considerations relating to the subject. I have a horrible relationship with my mother. I have natal Moon in Aquarius conjunct chiron. I did wish not to have to be so strong and be coddled, but that wasn't an option. Family matters assume a larger share of the attention, and he or she becomes more patient, especially with grand children and other young people. I never wanted to see her upset, because i knew she worked so hard for us. I've changed a lot for him and because of him. This parent is the one who is always planning for the future. Im a capricorn moon my mother was very niave she use let my alcoholic brother take over the house i hand to stand infront of her from a early age to protect her and i use try sort all the problems out i defo resent her alot now im older as she still hangs on me and now im finally breaking free. Just when you were sure you had this parent figured out, he or she would throw you a curve, forcing you to rethink your relationship. However, because your nature is gentle and sensitive, yet persistent, you push her to her limit to make sure you can get what you want. The whole childhood thing can make you restless because you experience the world through the eyes of one of the older astrological signs. You find comfort in communicating and doing something new about your ideas -amongst many other things. Keep track of the moon's movement through the astrological chart (it enters a new sign every couple days) and take note when it's full or new in your moon sign. Even if physical punishment was never part of the picture, you probably developed a cautious approach in your relationship. You probably tested this parents sense of balance on more than one occasion, and you experienced the inevitable emotional response. Home is a place where you should feel comfortable, and this parent makes that comfort Job One. After you get past the eclipse, Gemini, you might as well start celebrating. Aries Unless they have a lot of water signs in their chart, Aquarius moon is not someone who is into big emotional declarations of love. Cried about my problems to myself. I have learned to treat him with respect. google_ad_slot = "5509402288"; In contrast, the Moon parent takes on most of the responsibility in matters that relate solely to home and family. The only way it may get better is if we both learn to communicate better and if she stops being controlling over me. Your moon sign is one of the most important pieces of your astrological chart Where the moon was in your chart when you were born shapes your emotions and your soul. Your light, detached, active and agile Gemini moon always keeps your mother on her feet. You were not encouraged to wear frills, and probably everything tended to coordinate, except for dress up attire, which may have been distinguished. So, you generally see her as kind. When I had my son I realized she was a horrible morher. For me, I analyze my emotions and later and life I learned to cry when I feel like crying, and not to hold back what I feel. You always know where you stand with her because she tells you what's on her mind immediately. Capricorn See your full Pisces love horoscope for 2021. I have natal Moon square North Node. I often compare her to my friends mother's and they're not as suffocating as her. Im learning to move on currently and trying to be more understanding towards her and basically being the bigger person. One hundred years ago, it was pretty much a given that your mother was your nurturing parent, while your father was the breadwinner and the more authoritarian parent. I'm a sag moon and I did indeed have a very difficult relationship with my mother, I feel like most of it is true if you had parents that weren't willing to give you freedom (mine), I guess if they just let the child have their freedom it might have been easier for them but other than that it's very accurate, we are a lot to handle for parents because we hate being controlled and not having space to breathe but at the same time we do want nurturing and love and for them to be there for us (like any child though) and we tend to be very mature even at a very young age, at least I always felt like an equal to my mother rather than someone who I owed respect to, she made a lot of mistakes but wanted me to be perfect and never make one, she was very manipulative and abusive with words and actions, she exposed me to the entire family and her friends when we had a fight or I had a problem to play the victim even though I was in a very bad mental state at the time, she said horrible things throughout the years, she once told me to kill myself properly if I was gonna try do it again, she sometimes hit me (which was very traumatic since i'm not at all a physically violent person), she always suffocated me but was never there when I really needed, she made me feel guilty for everything that went wrong in life, even if it wasn't my fault and made me feel bad about myself my whole life, she denied everything when it came to her taking faults, I had to take charge of her emotional baggage countless times and she still managed to make me feel like the bad guy (my mother has an Aquarius moon, and she had a very difficult relationship with her mother too so I understand where all of this comes from but it didn't make it any easier on me tho) a very toxic mother for me, but in despite of everything I don't hate her, she has her own baggage and it's heavy as well so there's no use on crying over spilled milk at this point, it's better to heal and let go. Provide information that you think is necessary to making good decisions, and relieve this parent of duties little by little as aging demands. We did talk about my feelings many time when I would have a hard time in school. Because of the inconsistent behavior, you may have feared this parents anger that came seemingly out of nowhere. The air sign mom is the wind beneath your wings, always bringing fresh ideas, adventure, and out-of-the-box inspiration to share. In your view, her need for freedom is just as strong as yours. (My mind as a child) but walk back into the house & go straight into her room to recover. I feel as though if it wasnt for my Aquarius moon, I would have given up LONG ago and I would feel so bad for myself always looking for somebody to lean on emotionally. Gayle- it sounds like a dreadful short straw you drew. Generally you discover that your parent has been ahead of the curve all along. I have natal Moon opposite Uranus. Your mother sparks more emotion in you than she realizes. But yes on what above article stated: all 3 were handfuls to raise. But Ive only caught my mom crying twice in my life. Sincerely, a Pisces rising, Sag sun, Virgo moon. My mom buys her brand name purses and many luxury brands . This means that clothing had to be durable first, then attractive. This child may deal with separation anxiety or fear of strangers. This balance is not consistent. Unfortunately, this kind of criticism is remembered long after any praise is forgotten. Which of your parents had a greater impact on your beliefs about nurturing style and responsibilities? My brother would argue all of the time with my mother. I also worry about how our relationship is going to play out in the future. I liked this description bc most say I don't cottle him, but speak to him like an adult, BUT I would do it all day if he let me! People with their Moon in Taurus crave stability and they want to feel that they are safe and secure. This parent can create an entire dcor around one or two heirlooms. You just don't seem to need the coddling that many other people enjoy as children. She is highly controlling and also comes off as narcissistic. Do you have summary about the father and its respective planet as well? This convenient division of responsibilities is no longer true in a vast majority of households. The truth is a central part of this parents core beliefs. I have a brother who has pisces moon he lazy hes always in a dream world so irritating to people but my mum completely treats him like a baby and hes now 36 talk about mummys boy. We were raised with such emotional austerity it made me so strict and cruel to my own self and I worked myself to the ground before I was diagnosed with Crohns disease and had to focus on healing myself and giving myself the love that I never got and become my own mommy and care for me the way I wished I would have been cared for as a child. but was always there for me and I was there for her until she died.i also stopped work and cared for her during her last days.After she was gone I felt lonely,my brother and sisters started showing their claws since mum was not there to protect me anymore.I saved my money and left the country.I am married and have two children and never went back home.Am scared of even passing by the house. Significant amounts of money are spent on furnishings and other possessions. Taurus Moon: The mother appeared calm, patient, affectionate, steady, and strong-willed. To keep the relationship running smoothly, you must remember that your parent is the general in this army. There is a lively curiosity that takes you along on adventures into new, exciting territory, either in the physical world or in the realm of imagination. It will shed a lot of light. I have a moon in pisces, and my brother has a moon in scorpio. Develop a close relationship and you get to share in that depth of mind. Remembering the caveat above about cash, if we are to look to the stars, Sunday . I'm generally very, very close to my mother, always have been and always will be. Once you enter adulthood, your parent may become more of a friend or mentor, or even your personal cheerleader. There was nothing positive about it. You may take day trips to explore the area surrounding your home, explore antique shops or the mall together, or share an interest in a particular authors work. There is a tangled web of emotion that develops between a mother and child throughout their lives. You sometimes feel that this parent was predictable to the point of being dull. :-), SouthFloridaAstrologer, I've loved many of your descriptions of aspects and placements but I have to say some of the Scorpio moon mother description in my experience and opinion is off. I validate my emotions and process them on my own rather than spiraling into a deep depression because I feel like I cant express myself to anyone. Loved ones but I really hope not to project control onto her. Somehow even as a young child you are acutely aware of the give and take dynamic in relationships. I am on my path of healing and moving on and forgiving but I always have to cringe a little when she still doesnt get how she destroyed us and asks innocently stuff like so are you flying home for the Holidays? - No madam, I am not. My mother is/was very domineering and controlling. She may not come right out and say things to make you feel guilty, but they may be subtly woven into her comments. I think they were going over a book by Jeff Green if I remember correctly. This parent had a way of getting what he or she wanted. Im a Virgo, with Virgo rising and cancer moon. Rubeena, that is so lovely and heartwarming to hear. Libra Moon You see your mom as someone who was very popularity oriented. You are also always there for her. The signs modify the qualities of the somewhat emotional Moon and indicate how nurturing takes place. If you share an interest, expect to delve deeply into the subject. My mother was verbally abusive to me. This parents keeps secrets. I need physical space and alone time in order to not feel couped up and she always thinks Im doing something behind her back and wants to micromanage me.

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moon sign mother relationship

moon sign mother relationship

moon sign mother relationship