is bong water good for plants

when fire burns all the brush down in a forest, some time later there will be a explosion in growth from new plants on the ground. These plants might tolerate bong water well, but using bong water in plants still exposes them to bacteria and fungi. Overall, bong water is good for plants because it is rich in essential nutrients and minerals, and it also contains high levels of oxygen. this broken down plant material is now nutrients for another organism, since its marijuana i hope your smokin through a bong then that burnt material will be very close to the nutrients that a plant will need. Commercial fertilizers are formulated to provide plants with the essential nutrients that they need to grow. Its time to change your bong water. The use of bong water for plants has been a topic of discussion for many years, with some people believing that it can provide plants with essential nutrients that they need to grow. Sadly, however, besides a few anecdotal success stories and a handful of Reddit thread discussions, science on the benefits of bong water as fertilizer is minimal. Copyright 2023 Smoke from marijuana produces harmful toxins like naphthalene, acrylamide and acrylonitrile that then become trapped in your bong water. Outside of Plant Legend, Greg Kristan runs TM Blast, LLC and The Stadium Reviews, LLC. What would be some good plants? The device starts by pouring clean water at the bottom and then putting dry plant material and lighting it up. After all that, are really any practical uses for old bong water? They thrive off the residue left there after prolonged use, and, after a while, something that is known as Biofilm is created. Who tried that one? Tar is the first major component of bong water which we know will have a detrimental effect on plant growth. Trust me, DO NOT DRINK YOUR OLD BONG WATER. Follow up the bong water with lots of fresh water and make sure the roots have proper drainage to prevent fungi and mould growth. Ideally, you should use clean, fresh water for every bong session. If you know of any practical uses for old bong water please write them in the comments below and we can discuss! By doing so, you can provide your plants with a healthy and balanced diet that promotes growth and vitality! You may think that bong water is good for watering marijuana plants because it has more matter than the plants can use. Tutorial: How to mix and fill your own CBD/THC Vape Cartridges with Terpenes, 5 WAYS TO TELL IF YOU HAVE TRUE PURPLE CANNABIS, Fast and Easy Canna-butter: The only weed-butter recipe youll ever need. This might seem counterintuitive when so much considering how natural the weed being smoked is. Unless a plant is severely dehydrated, most plants will not benefit from bong water. Whoops, you're not connected to Mailchimp. I have a friend who, back in the 70's, got the idea that drinking bong water would get him more stoned. This is totally false, however, we could certainly see the following points as advantages: Now its time for the harsh reality, the actual bong water is that it is not recommended due to the high levels of harmful chemicals that it contains. On the other hand, science about the harmful compounds contained in smoke--whether cannabis or tobacco--is plentiful. On the surface, theres logic to support the suggestion that bong water isnt entirely devoid of value. Youve paid good money for your weed, so it simply makes sense to put it to the best possible use. we must go through hell to know the true beauty of heaven. It needs a good amount of decaying plant matter to balance the acidity. So, read more below to find out what the best water for marijuana plants is. You can also flavour your smoke with unsweetened cranberry juice. Why is it that bong water is not suitable for plants? The perfect amountof sunlight, water, and other nutrients from the soil will make a plant very healthy. Otherwise, I suppose the main take away here is thus: do not feel bad dumping your old bong water down the drain, that is logistically the best way to dispose of it. In addition, dirty bong water is usually pretty high on the acidic side of the pH scale, which is also dangerous or deadly for plants. This addition can remove unnecessary waste that would otherwise go down the drain. The compost is full of bacteria, mould, fungi, and acidic materials. To sum it up Bong water acts as the main filtration system in your bong. There is little to no formal research on the impact of THC on plant growth, and while it does not at the current time have any association with stunted growth, it also has no known positive effects. One website states that These are living microorganisms, which have made your bong home. Some say that you might benefit from mixing it with your compost pile simply because it contains plant matter, however, there is no scientific evidence that this is true. Your best bet when changing your bong water is probably dumping it right by the drain. discussions, the science behind the benefits of using bong water as natural fertilizer is minimal. It helps us keep the research and information for our readers free 100% of the time. Rainwater contains the perfect amount of minerals needed for plant growth, with few amounts of harmful chemicals in it. There are some benefits in which the smoke can help with growth, but this is not because of the water in the bong. The truth is that you are better off removing the weeds manually or using boiling water to kill the roots of the weed. It could be home to all nasty pathogens such as mildew and strep. Strawberries are a favorite fruit to many, so much so that people have taken it upon themselves to Hi! That leftover water at the bottom of the bong is where the bong water sits. However, if you wanted to experiment using bong water on weeds to see if it will remove them faster, it is worth a try. Being high is defined as a feeling of euphoria or an altered state of consciousness. Thanks for reading our article, we hope you enjoyed it and helps make your garden grow greener. Some people change their entire homes landscaping to eliminate the need for supplemental water from irrigation, i.e., xeriscaping. The old water in your bong is too acidic and contains harmful material. Now that we know that bong water doesnt help grow plants, you might wonder if you can use it on your weeds. This makes your smoking experience feel smoother thanother methods. After smoking, you may have turned to your cactus or pothos and wondered: is bong water good for plants? Can be easily sourced, as it is a by-product of smoking. This might seem counterintuitive when so much considering how natural the weed being smoked is. Truthfully, it was difficult to find any real evidence that using your old bong water for anything would be beneficial. Known as biofilm, this murky layer could be hiding pathogens such as Strep, E. coli, and black mildew. when smoking through your bong all that burnt plant material is caught in the water and is there broken down. 946 views, 10 likes, 24 loves, 41 comments, 35 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from . The reason why is because the smoke will burn certain plants and their leaves. If the idea is that the plant will uptake the residual THC from the "bong" water and make the buds better, then the answer is no. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Ashes would screw with the PH and nute levelslet alone what all the other crap in bong water will do. Bongwater is also very acidic due to dissolved smoke and plant matter. As the user lights up the dry material, they (the smoker) inhales the smoke from the water. Its also worth bearing in mind that if compost has had a lot of ash added over time, you may want to test the level of acidity prior to applying it to the soil in order to avoid any issues with heavily alkaline compost altering the pH levels of the soil beyond the range that is suitable for the plants there. Your email address will not be published. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. LIMITED TIME: PIPE + FREE CARBON LITE. You still may not want to waste the water, however, and may be wondering whether you could give it to your plants. Everywhere I searched it said that plants should be given: fresh, clean water, lots of sunlight, occasionally some fertilizer, and rich soil. It's not even advisable to water plants with bong water, as it can contain toxic levels of mold. Bong water has been through long exposure to smoke produced by the burning of cannabis and any other substances used and is also heavily exposed to the users breath during this process, meaning it can also contain bacteria and viruses that the user themselves introduces. thats like drinking your own pee dude. This will depend a great deal on the plants within the bed and their preferred pH levels, which are often the result of the general soil quality in the areas in which they are natively found. Whether you buy cannabis commercially or grow your own at home, youll probably want to make the most of every scrap at your disposal. Wrong. For the time being, therefore, you may as well continue as sensible stoners have been doing for generations. all im saying is that bongwater would provide for more nutrients versus plain water, and there are far better fertilizers out there for me to resort to using bong agua. All Rights Reserved. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. How often should I change bong water? Thus, bong water is born. In addition, dirty and stagnant bong water is a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria, viruses, and other nasties. It is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, providing plants with the essential nutrients that they need. Watering plants occasionally with bong water can be done, but get it out of your head that bong water is good for plants. One user going by the name Led Zeppelin on, an unreliable open forum site where individuals can chat about weed related topics, states that the leftover weed in your bong is 50 parts carcinogens to one part cannabis. While I cannot find a reliable source to lend credibility to this claim, I think his statement can still ring true in the regard that old weed particulates in your bong harbor not only harmful carcinogens, but also mold and bacteria as well. Since then, the usage has evolved over time, but when used to smoke cannabis, the method is largely the same the smoke drawn from the burning of the cannabis (sometimes mixed with tobacco, depending on the region) is drawn through the water in the bong. In conclusion, I was unable to find any real, credible evidence or data that suggests you should do anything other than dump your old bong water down the drain. Welcome to our website. And this is not ideal for your plants. The bacteria that grow in stagnant water with decaying plant matter are harmful to nearly all living things. Whos to say CBD cant help your plant flourish as well as it helps you? You could try adding it to your. Just the thought sends tremors!!! While some may enjoy the smoking experience that bongs provide and think there is a good use for that excess water at the bottom of the device, plants wont want it. You may be right in how long it takes to break down. Bongwater can provide some necessary hydration, but the acidity, bacteria, and fungi can be toxic for your plants. Putting bong water directly onto a plant can be detrimental to its health and may even kill the plant. Not only is rainwater great for plants, but you can also collect that water for a later time, which means you can . These toxins have been associated with. Vessel name and logo are trademarks of Vessel Brand, Inc. And 1 more thing thay they like is talking to them they seem to like that I donno know why but they hate it if you don't pay alot of attention to them supertoker 13 Drinking bong water and using it to water your plants arent things you should be doing. Here are the top Tips to Use Neem Oil for Houseplants to save them from potential problems Is Bong Water Good for Plants? In summary, bong water is essentially useless. However, you can use bong water in your compost pile for houseplant fertilization. Whats the Ideal Pot Size for Autoflowers? The Quickest and Easiest Ways to Germinate Autoflower Cannabis Seeds, How to Train Autoflowers to Get Bigger Yields, How to store edible gummies, brownies, and other weed treats, How to Grow Weed on a Windowsill: The Basics, Tips on controlling humidity in a grow tent, Weed Measurements: Weights, Quantities, Prices. Smoke from marijuana produces harmful toxins like naphthalene, acrylamide and acrylonitrile that then become trapped in your bong water. If you found this article helpful, please share it with a friend and spread the joy. This website is exclusively for adults ages 21+ and provides content related to marijuana seeds. Naphthalene is an aromatic hydrocarbon made of two fused benzene rings. But are there any useful things whatsoever you can do with bong water? A device that people often use to smoke cannabis is called a bong. Related Read: Can you water plants with bong water? Plant roots need to grow naturally in the ground to reach nutrients and water, and the resin can block that path. These toxins have been associated with a number of health risks such as cancer, anemia, and liver and neurological damage. We have a complete breakdown of bong water to answer the question Is Bong Water Good for Plants? Marijuana plants prefer to be watered with soft water, like rainwater. Though it contains natural plant material and desirable cannabinoids, it also carries harmful elements, germs, and bacteria that could damage or kill your plant. This will help to dilute the bong water and prevent it from causing damage to the pipes or the local water supply. In addition to the high bacterial and mold contents that can harm your plants, old bong water is typically acidic and will eventually kill your plants. This is why its not uncommon for seasoned stoners to spend time (and quite rightly) scraping every scrap of the sticky residue out of their pipes and bongs for recycling purposes. Can you get high from drinking old bong water? Bottled water may contain a good amount of vital minerals such as calcium and magnesium without having the collateral damage (fluoride or chlorine) that tap water has to offer. Pros of rainwater Rainwater is free to use by anyone. You may have also heard that smoking around your plants or exhaling onto them is good for them. While the residual smoke might contain some essential nutrients for plants, the concentration of these nutrients is likely to be low and inconsistent. Bong Water Alternatives, For those who dont know what bong water is, you first need to know what a bong is and how it works. Because the smoke is filtered through water, the water traps toxins, ash, and other filtered materials. Contrary to what some people believe, you wont get any higher from reusing old bong water. It not only contains harmful toxins from the smoke, but the stagnant water in your bong attracts fungus and bacteria. This foam layer is no longer safe for plants, animals, or humans. Manure is another natural fertilizer that is made from the waste of domesticated animals, such as cows, horses, and chickens. For one thing, drinking all the bong water in the world isnt going to get you high. Yes, cannabis water (but not bong water) is good for plants. When your bong water becomes cloudy or develops a film over the top, known as biofilm, its definitely time for a change. This article seeks to answer this question by dissecting what, exactly, is in your bong water. Furthermore, alfalfa gathers nitrogen from the atmosphere. However, bong water is more than just dirty water. Unfortunately, I have no video to share here, so you will just have to take my word for it or do additional outside investigation Or you could just go smell your bong and see if youd ever truly consider drinking it. Bottom line, the question is bong water good for plants comes out to a no. Poinsettias tend to return to our collective memories around Christmas time. Simply put, bong water is not good for plants. Little Leafy is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and affiliate programs with other sites. You also need to clean your bong on a regular basis, preferably after each use. This water acts as a filter and removes some toxins, tar, and natural cannabinoids from the smoke. Here is the complete breakdown of using bong water for house plants. PLEASE VERIFY THAT YOU ARE OF LEGAL AGE TO ENTER. , Homemade Fertilizer For Plants Growing In Water | Indoor Home Gardening, Some examples of plants that prefer acidic soil, Whereas some of those that prefer the soil to be more alkaline,,,,,,,, Consistent drawing of smoke through the water, collecting in the bong, Tar, including Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Doing this too often will only make your plants' soil pH more acidic and you will end up having to correct it, which is not only an additional expense, but is often a time-consuming process. Despite actually occurring in the essential oils of many plant species, that doesnt make it a good addition to the soil as a fertilizer. (PAHs), which are linked to cancer in human lung tissue. Find the Effects of Using Carbonated Water for Plants. But it's not the same as bong water. International Marijuana news, reviews and forums where you can utilize our scientific and medical articles, helping you to grow your own Cannabis. Reverse osmosis, filtered or distilledwater isidealfor marijuanaplants. Flush that nasty stuff straight down the toilet and dont give it a second thought! I've been wondering if I could be using my bong water to feed my spider plants? Pouring bong water on plants is generally not helpful, and it may kill your plants. Bong water is not good for plants. These substances can cause serious illnesses when ingested. Plus, I hear and read things all the time about the magical medicinal properties of cannabis, so could bong water be good for me to drink too? These compounds--as well as the other materials trapped by the water--impact the pH level of your bong water. It can be noted that on the website, one forum user has reported dumping his old bong water on a pine tree in his yard for years with no ill effects to the tree. Take note that this is yet another unreliable source of information because it was posted on a public forum with no credible evidence supplied. There are several alternatives to bong water that are both safer and more effective for plant fertilization. Unless you enjoy the idea of inhaling pathogens, you should change your bong water every time you smoke. Alternatively, you can also pour the water into a sealed container and dispose of it in the trash. This means that in almost no circumstances is using bong water in the garden appropriate. But will bong water get you high? While putting bong water directly on plants isnt a great idea, you can add a bit of the mixture to a compost pile. The toxins cause problems with plant growth, and they can also stop the roots from reaching nutrients due to the resin that bong water contains. Some research has shown that plastic bongs which are exposed to heat or sunlight can, over time, have plastic leech into the water in the bong as a result of chemical processes occurring within the plastic. In addition, dirty bong water is usually pretty high on the acidic side of the pH scale, which is also dangerous or deadly for plants. This is because its properties restrict the ability of the soil structure to behave naturally, which in turn can inhibit the level of nutrient uptake by the plants. Although there is some logic to it because it contains decomposing plant matter, and the bong looks like a mini compost bin that contains tea. All composting also requires time for the material to break down and can benefit from regular mixing and turning in order to get ensure that all the rich components within the compost are balanced throughout the load. Fairly suitable for drinking. If this is not evident enough, just go on YouTube and watch any of the countless trending bong water drinking videos and see for yourself. The pipes can also be used with the water you will use for your plants. Learn how you can stay safe and have a great time while traveling with cannabis! Well, were glad you asked! Just imagine what your breath would smell like if you drank the bong water. Is Distilled Water Good for Plants? If you have no other options, want the compost pH to change, and are comfortable with the contaminants that will also make their way into the compost, then it can be considered. When you smoke dry herb from a bong, smoke gets pulled through the water in the chamber. This is definitely not true. Learn how to build your own grow-room from scratch and save tons of money. Chances are you have been using the same dirty water for the last 10-12 days. The Largest Cannabis Business Convention in California. Plant small. The Montana State University Center for Biofilm Research states that Biofilms grow virtually everywhere, in almost any environment where there is a combination of moisture, nutrients, and a surface. Yet, even though biofilm is a naturally occurring process, the bacterial spores can actually break off and cause you to become sick. Keep reading to understand more about why bong water isnt good for plants. It is important to use cold water to help prevent any cracks or damage to the ash catcher. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Update: Heres What AB 45 Means For the California Hemp Industry. But even if it does contain nutrientsI still have to believe that all the oils and tar it includes can't be good for the plant. Over48.2 million peoplein the United States regularly smoke marijuana. This means that applying bong water to the soil, aside from the negative impact it can have on soil structure and if the plant absorbs it, will also render the soil more acidic. Furthermore, when conducting research on this topic, I found a largely believed misconception that drinking your old bong will actually get you high. The highest a plant can feel is just being healthy. People think that bong water is good for houseplants because it contains water. These compounds impact the pH levels in your bong water, making it more acidic than when you poured it into your bong. Some of us take water frugality to be of the utmost importance; we take shorter showers, stop watering our lawns, fix leaky faucets, hand wash our cars, flush toilets less, and so on. If you feel guilty about wasting water or you want to mix up your smoking experience, you can try using other liquids besides plain water in your bong. Bong water acts as the main filtration system in your bong. Bong Water may be comprised of the following: Well, if you are asking Is Bong Water Good for Plants, then the answer is NO. Plants that are grown in bong water tend to be healthier and more vigorous than those grown in other types of water. Would it be possible to help poinsettias grow with Do Strawberry Plants Like Coffee Grounds? In order to ensure that your plants receive the nutrients that they need to thrive, it is best to use one of the alternatives mentioned above. It means excess bacteria grow at the bottom. Is bong water good for plants? ", Dedicated Contributor, former Grow Room Mod, 420 Magazine Seeking Product Reviewers to Join Our Team, Mark Heinrich aka Smoking Moose Fallen 420 Warrior: Rest In Peace 1955 - 2017, All Content Copyright 1993-2023 420 Magazine All Rights Reserved. Juice used as bong water will still contain harmful pathogens and substances like ash and resin. Not only is the high bacterial and mold content bad for plants, old bong water usually has an acidic pH balance and, according to the gardening website, water that is too acidic or too basic can lock some nutrients up and make them unavailable to the plant. A plants health depends on adequate sunlight, water, and soil. Its clear that the reason plants dont like bong water is that it contains a whole host of chemicals to which plants do not respond well. Some people have used red wine to smoke from their bongs, but this isnt recommended due to the sugar content and alcoholic vapours. Some growers report that they don't need to water their garden as much when they plant alfalfa nearby. If the idea is that the plant will uptake the residual THC from the "bong" water and make the buds better, then the answer is no. Even in times of pure desperation, under no circumstances should you ever resort to drinking bong water - even as a dare. Still, youll need to have a balanced compost pile to do this. Likewise, if bong water contains decomposing plant matter - which it surely does - then wouldnt it make the ideal solution for watering your plants with? Your stock-standard, one-month-old, bong water in a glass. Never water plants with old bong water. Your plants should certainly be watered with something more beneficial than water from your bong. Grow big! Bong water helps to trap at least some of these compounds from the smoke, as well as filter out any ash or plant material before it reaches your mouth and airways. FAQ about the best water for weed. Patents issued and pending. It is also extremely dangerous for any human to drink bong water. Here we serve you the best and informative gardening ideas, creative DIY's and limited space gardening tips and tricks. As the user smokes up the dry material, they inhale the smoke from this water. Is bong water good for plants? For first-time cultivators and experienced cannabis connoisseurs alike, the question mark hanging over the subject of bong water is as old and constant as the hills. Furthermore, when conducting research on this topic, I found a largely believed misconception that drinking your old bong will actually get you high. There is also research that suggests that tar impacts the photochemistry of plant cells, further stunting growth. Is Eggplant a Vegetable or Fruit | Is Eggplant a Berry? Drinking bong water is a bad idea and so is reusing it, especially if you notice a cloudy top layer forming. Ideally, in a ratio of 20:1. In this article, we aim to provide you with a thorough understanding of what bong water is, its potential benefits and risks for plants, and alternatives that you can use for plant fertilization. Specifically, reclaimed water may have higher levels of salts, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), and pathogens (e.g., bacteria and viruses). We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. The bong water is toxic when it develops a layer of biofilm on the surface.

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is bong water good for plants

is bong water good for plants

is bong water good for plants