multiplicative cipher calculator

the commonly used RSA Cipher is based on the relative slowness of such factoring programs. It would take quite a long time for a . Notice, that all we need to find are the different primes, say p1, p2,, pn, as our explicit formula for the number of unique encryptions appears to be: Formula for the number of good keys for any alphabet length M: For an alphabet length M, there are ((M) = M * (1- 1/p1) * (1- 1/p2) ** (1- 1/pn) good keys where each pi is a prime divisor of M. It is really enjoyable to use this simple formula as we just need to find all prime divisors of M and dont have to worry about how often they occur. Notice in the last row that all we need to know are the prime factors p of M without knowing how often they occur. >def unshift (key, ch): offset = ord (ch) - ASC_A return chr ( ( (key [0] * (offset + key [1])) % WIDTH) + ASC_A) Note The advantage with a multiplicative cipher is that it can work with very large keys like 8,953,851. To decode the above virus carrier message we found the inverse of a=5 through a clever check of the products of a and a-1 that produced one more than multiples of 26. (I.e. Its numerical equivalent reveals the row and therefore the key a as follows: PLAIN LETTER 0000000000000000000000000 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ101234202468303691240481216505101520254914192438131823271217221611162160612182470714212808162469091811010010204141101122718120122410221301301301401421641501541981601662212170178251618018102201901912524200201482210211611622022181410230232017141185225221916131074124211815129632402422201825025242322 After intercepting the cipher text, an eavesdropper simply finds the most frequent letter of this rather brief message. Let us understand this by implementing a simple example using the Multiplicative Cipher. In this video u will learn how to encrypt the message using multiplicative cipher technique.Plain text to cipher text.Calculator tricks. As some of them fail to produce a unique encryption, we will discover an easy criterion for keys that produce the desired unique encryptions (the good keys) and apply it to different alphabet lengths. If 2 would be used as key, then C=2 -> 2*2 = 4 -> so the character C is encoded as an E. Analogous, P=15 -> 15*2 = 30 -> 30 modulo 26 = 4 -> the character P would also be encoded as an E.Therefore, it is not possible to determine if an E in a ciphertext corresponds to a C or a P. In order to achieve a unique matching only keys that are co-prime to the length of the alphabet can be used. Take a moment now to verify the Rule for finding the decoding key a-1: 1) For a given good key a, find the unique 1 in the a-row, 2) From that 1 go all the way up that column, 3) The letters numerical equivalent that you hit on the very top is the inverse of a. Step 3: Now, apply the formula which is mentioned above. Example: Encrypt DCODE with the key k= 17 k = 17 and the 26-letter alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 10 Since the bool.h library is very short I want to show you its contents: typedef int bool; const int false = 0; const int true = 1; In the first line the new data type bool is defined of type int so that the (two) bool-variables are just regular integers. That is why the English alphabet in the calculator above is expanded with space, comma, and dot up to 29 symbols; 29 is a prime integer. Copyright 1998 - 2023 CrypTool Contributors. Find mod of any numb. Are these quarters notes or just eighth notes? If we had a video livestream of a clock being sent to Mars, what would we see? 27=3*3*3, so that only the multiples of the only prime divisor 3 such as a=3, 9 and 27 will not yield a unique encryption, all the other integers will: The good keys a are therefore Z27* = {1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,13,14,16,17,19,20,22,23,25,26} allowing 18 different unique encryptions, 6 more than before. In, this way you can implement Encrypt a plain text and Decrypt a cipher text for Multiplicative cipher in cryptography. Divide the letters of the message into groups of two or three. Encrypt and decrypt any cipher created in a Playfair cipher. Therefore, a simple prime check program would be sufficient to find the divisors p of M. We then set up the factors of the form (1- 1/p), multiply them and eventually multiply that answer by M. Example1: Say M=180, then a prime check program yields the prime factors 2,3 and 5, so that ((180) = 180 * (1-1/2) * (1-1/3) * (1-1/5) = 180 * (1/2) * (2/3) * (4/5) = 90 * (2/3) * (4/5) = 60 * (4/5) = 48 Example2: Say M=360, since 360=2*180 the prime factors are again 2,3 and 5, so that ((360) = 360 * (1-1/2) * (1-1/3) * (1-1/5) = 360 * (1/2) * (2/3) * (4/5) = 180 * (2/3) * (4/5) = 120 * (4/5) = 96 Example3 is for you: Say M=90, since 90=____ the prime factors are _______, so that ((90) = 90 * (1-1/__) * (1-1/__) * (1-1/__) = 90 * ____________________ = _______________ = _______________ = ___ Of course, I could have computed the answers in the above examples right away but I wanted to give you the chance of brushing up on your skills to multiply fractions. Once we have the solution, our x is the modular multiplicative inverse of a modulo m. Rewrite the above equation like that The solution shows the work for the Standard Algorithm. Then the Vigenre encryption for an input character in and a key key can be described as: The letters of in and key are converted into numbers, these numbers are added, and the sum is re-converted to a letter. Convert each group of numbers into column matrices. A little computer program turns out to be again very valuable as the number of good keys can be easily determined by first finding all prime factors of M to then use the above explicit formula. What are the variants of the Multiplicative cipher. To find the inverse for each good key a, you just need to look back at the 26 by 26 encryption table. Step 4: So, once the calculation part is done now you can easily encrypt your given plain text. Contributed by: Shawna Martell (March 2011) Open content licensed under CC BY-NC-SA Snapshots Information Security Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for information security professionals. Please, check our dCode Discord community for help requests!NB: for encrypted messages, test our automatic cipher identifier! By using this website, you agree with our Cookies Policy. Hey, this shows a great way to produce more unique encryptions which of course makes life harder for an eavesdropper: Recommendation for more security: Choose the alphabet length M to be a prime number to make cracking the cipher text more difficult. For illustration purposes we use the message "GEHEIMNIS" and the key 3. Say you first want to encode the letter c then you have to enter e when asked. While deriving the formula for M=60=22*3*5 in the left column I will deduce simultaneously the explicit formula for M=p12*p2*p3 with p1 being the first prime factor 2, p2 being the second prime factor 3 and p3 being the third prime factor 5 in the right column. 23 3 * 9 = 9 * 3 =27) the MOD- multiplication is commutative (3 * 9 = 9 * 3 = 1 MOD 26). We then write them in the form (1-1/p), multiply them and that product by M yielding ((M). How do we deal with non-letters? 3) u(p*q) = (p-1)*(q-1), if M is a product of two primes M=p*q. The 26-letter Latin alphabet allows only 11 keys: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 and 25 (these are coprime numbers with 26). Since 625=24*26+1 which means that 625 leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 26, we have 625 = 1 MOD 26 and altogether 25 * 25 = 625 = 1 MOD 26. "Ordered" means that sorting is possible and we can speak of the n-th character of an alphabet. 2) u(pn)= pn - pn-1, if M is a power of a prime M= pn. In linear algebra, an n-by-n (square) matrix A is called invertible if there exists an n-by-n matrix such that. It only takes a minute to sign up. It is easy to implement and easy to understand, and it does not require any large amount of computational power. that 3 and 9 are inverse to each other because of the commutative property of the MOD-multiplication (exhibited by the diagonal as a line of reflection). A summary of our explorations for the number of good keys shows: 1) u(p) = p - 1, if M is prime M=p. Tool to decrypt/encrypt with multiplicative encryption, a substitution cipher based on a multiplication operation. The mono-alphabetic substitution cipher provides the simplest form of cryptography, where the cipher alphabet is simply a rearrangement of the plaintext alphabet. Multiplicative cipher encryption|Multiplicative cipher|Multiplicative cipher example|What is multiplicative cipher PLAYFAIR CIPHER WITH EXAMPLE||SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE||MATHEMATICS OF. According to the definition in wikipedia, in classical cryptography, the Hill cipher is a polygraphic substitution cipher based on linear algebra. Therefore, each integer less than 29 is a good key MOD 29: Z29* = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28}. rev2023.5.1.43405. Multiplicative encryption uses a key k k (an integer) and an alphabet. This process repeats until M is reduced to 1 and therefore less than the smallest factor possible, 2. For a check: the same eight integers 1,5,7,11,13,17,19,23 are relative prime to 30 and are thus the good keys for M=30. The basic formula to be used in such a scenario to generate a multiplicative cipher is as follows . What is the inverse of 7 MOD 11? In order to be able to use the command setw() we have to include the iomanip.h library in #include . 2.2 Decryption of the Multiplication Cipher Now that the virus carrier message was encoded in a unique manner how can it be decoded? Substitution cipher decoder. We just had to multiply each cipher letter by a-1. In order to create unique cipher characters, we must use a multiplier which is co-prime (the values do not share any factors when dividing - see Try GCD of 5) in relation to the size of the alphabet (26), so you should use either 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 or 25. Example: Encrypt DCODE with the key $ k = 17 $ and the 26-letter alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. The theory can be found after the calculator. What Should Be the Length of the Symmetric Key in Cryptography? No, 13 is missing. Moreover, we build the mathematical foundation to understand secure encryption systems such as the RSA encryption. Each character is multiplied with this key and the corresponding letter is substituted. color: #ffffff; All we need to know are the prime divisors of M, but we dont even need to know how often a prime number divides M. Instead of adding a number as we did in the Caesar Cipher, we will now multiply each plain letter by an integer a, our secret encoding key. Affordable solution to train a team and make them project ready. In conclusion, we can say that multiplicative cipher is a simple encryption technique that can be easily implemented. Aha, there is 105 = 21*5 so that 21*5 = 1 MOD 26. While you still can simply enter an integer number to calculate its remainder of Euclidean division by a given modulus, this modulo calculator can do much more. Cite as source (bibliography): I first subtract 65 =A and then multiply that difference by the good key a=5 yielding 10 again. This is not a useful encryption system since it may yield ambiguous messages. 8 Options: Multiplier: filter whitespace characters group 5 characters filter non-alphabet characters convert to first alphabet 3. This is very likely in English texts and virtually certain in the German language where on average every 5th letter is an E. Even if an eavesdropper decides to produce all 12 possible plain texts, they can be generated with the help of a computer within a few seconds. Examples for property 2): 8 and 25 are prime powers. It describes the multiplicative property of (. In case you wonder why the discussion of cracking codes is made public; why is it not kept secret to maintain the security of ciphers? Let s be such a reversible function. Introduction to Monotonic Stack - Data Structure and Algorithm Tutorials. All symbols to be encrypted must belong to alphabet, Everyone who receives the link will be able to view this calculation, Copyright PlanetCalc Version: That is: Zero has no modular multiplicative inverse. Since we are performing MOD 26 arithmetic, we use the MOD-operator % that guarantees us the product (a*(pl -'a'))%26; to be between 0 and 25. The modular multiplicative inverse of an integer a modulo m is an integer b such that Decrypt, In a Multiplicative cipher, each character of the alphabet is assigned a value (starting at a zero index [A=0, B=1, etc]) and a coprime key to the length of the alphabet is chosen. 6*3=18. Reciprocal (or) Multiplicative Inverse is: Variant Beaufort cipher Base32 Hash function Morse code to text Z-Base-32 View Affine cipher Slope / a Step Down Step Up To have the solution, the right part of the linear diophantine equation should be a multiple of the . 1 ((21)=________________________ as 1,2,4,5,8,10,11,13,16,17,19,20 are relative prime to 21. div#home a:visited { As you can see on the wiki, decryption function for affine cipher for the following encrytption function: E (input) = a*input + b mod m is defined as: D (enc) = a^-1 * (enc - b) mod m The only possible problem here can be computation of a^-1, which is modular multiplicative inverse. See the image attached below for a better understanding. A=65, B=66, C=67, .., Z=100, a=101, b=102, c=103, z=125. They seem to not follow any apparent pattern. 21 is an inverse to 5 MOD 26, therefore 5 is inverse to 21 and the two 1s are mirrored over the diagonal line. On the right we ended up with the explicit formula for ((M) when M consists of one prime power and two primes. The key should be changed frequently to prevent cryptographic attacks. It has to be placed after the cout command as in: cout << setw(2) << j*factor. It surely acquires this simple form for any number of primes or prime powers. 2.4 Varying the Alphabet Length varies the Number of Good Keys Using an alphabet length of M=27: Say for legibility reasons we add a blank symbol as our 27th plain letter. How do you find the key domain of the multiplication cipher efficiently? Before considering such encoding techniques, we go ahead and check if the other frequent number, 20, is the cipher E. Checking the E column, we can see that the possible two keys are the bad one a=18 and the good one a=5. You now understand why cryptographers have an affection for prime numbers. So in our above example, the key is 7. We denote 5-1 the inverse of 5. where the operation of multiplication substitutes the operation of division by the modular multiplicative inverse. I found a-1 = 2 by simply testing the integers in Z5*={1,2,3,4}. Secondly, we would translate every upper case plain letter into a lower case cipher letter so that we dont reveal information about the beginning of a sentence. Here is how: u = (p*q - 1) - (p-1) (q 1) getting rid of the first two parentheses yields = p*q -1 - p + 1 (q 1) the two 1s cancel each other out yielding = p*q p (q 1) factoring the p yields = p*(q-1) (q 1) (q-1) in both terms can be factored yielding = (q-1) * (p 1) which can also be written as = (p-1) * (q 1) Formula for the number of good keys if M is the product of two primes: The number of good keys is u(M) = u(p*q) = (p-1)*(q-1). The MOD 26 calculation leaves the 10 unchanged. Method 1: Separated: In each sub-alphabet, mod 16 is calculated (hex addition), since each sub-alphabet contains 16 elements, and it remains in the same partial alphabet from which the plaintext letter originates. The answer is a simple No: Only those encryption systems that withstand all possible attacks are secure and thus useful. Does the increase of our alphabet length by 1 increase the number of unique encryptions obtained? "Signpost" puzzle from Tatham's collection, xcolor: How to get the complementary color. 25, Encrypt dCode is free and its tools are a valuable help in games, maths, geocaching, puzzles and problems to solve every day!A suggestion ? The easiest way to solve this equation is to search each of the numbers 1 to 25, and see which one satisfies the equation. Aha, that realization helps a lot, since that also means that prime Ms produce M-1 unique encryptions. However, it can be simplified further using the fact that we are considering here alphabets of length M that are powers of a prime p: M=pn for some positive integer n. Thus, our formula simplifies to: u(M) = pn pn/p which simplifies further to = pn - pn-1. (Identification), How to decipher Multiplicative cipher without key? Additional restrictions to the key are imposed by the need to decrypt encrypted text :). if the letter e (the most frequent letter in the English language) occurs 20 times in the plain text its replacement letter will appear 20 times in the cipher text. As an attentive reader, we realize that the MOD multiplication of the keys is closed (recall the group properties in the previous chapter). Alternatively, the non-alphabet letters in the key and the plain text can also be filtered out to increase the security. The monoalphabetic cipher family has one very important feature, namely one letter of the open alphabet corresponds to exactly one letter of the secret alphabet. The following C++ program firstly determines the factors for an entered alphabet length M and secondly their multiples, the bad keys. The multiplicative cipher has little interest, but it is often used for learning computer science and ciphers. For a given alphabet, there are only a few possible keys. Step 2: The basic formula that can be used to implement Multiplicative Cipher is: Decryption= (C * Multiplication inverse of the key) Mod 26 Here, c = ciphertext Mod = Modulo Step 3: Let's see how decryption can be done using the above formula: Ciphertext = QCCSWJUPQCCSW and multiplication inverse key = 15 We can see in the table that an A will always translate into 0 (=a) since the product of any such key a with 0 (=A) yields 0. As 36=2*2*3*3, the possible keys are basically all numbers not multiples of 2 and/or 3. Agree Encrypted text: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 19 Lets add a dot to our alphabet to denote the end of a sentence in the original message. The reason is (M-1) * (M-1) = (-1) * (-1) = 1 MOD M. For example: when using an alphabet length of M = 27 and an encoding key a=26 then its decoding key is a-1 =26. This calculator uses an adjugate matrix to find the inverse, which is inefficient for large matrices due to its recursion, but perfectly suits us. First we need to calculate the modular multiplicative inverse of keyA. WAP to find the solutions of equations: a.14x=12mod 18 b.3x+4=6 mod 132. I.e. Are the used 12 unique encryptions a set number? In fact, the security of i.e. In order to have a modular multiplicative inverse, determinant and modulo (length of the alphabet) should be coprime integers, refer to Modular Multiplicative Inverse Calculator. The bad key a=2 yields an ambiguous message as we saw in the introductory example: each A turns into 0 (=a) since 2*0 = 0 MOD 26 just as each N turns into 0 since 2*13 = 26 = 0 MOD 26. Even though this cipher seems to be more complex than the Caesar cipher, it is not more secure. Our good-key-criterion declares those integers to be good keys that are relative prime to 27. That is So which ones do? You can try the sample button which uses a multiplication of 3, and a message of "knowledgeispower" gives enqohmjsmyctqomz. What 1 formula is used for the Affine Cipher Calculator? background-color: #620E01; 3.0.4224.0. For separate partial alphabets the following results: For a merged alphabets, the encrypted text is "02468ACEacACEae024". Learn how PLANETCALC and our partners collect and use data. This requires additional meta-information of the letters that must be recorded before encryption. If a = 1, the Affine cipher is equivalent of a Caesar cipher. In the process you'll become comfortable with modular arithmetic and begin to understand its importance to modern cryptography. Mathematically, calculate the modular inverse $ k^{-1} $ of the key modulo 26 and apply the calculation for each letter: Example: The key $ 17 $ has the inverse modulo 26 of the value $ 23 $ so Z (index 25) becomes $ 25 \times 23 \mod 26 \equiv 3 $ and 3 corresponds to D in the alphabet. > m o ` a b c d e f g h i j k l 7 9 bjbjUU (> 7| 7| ). Exporting results as a .csv or .txt file is free by clicking on the export icon An affine cipher is a cipher belonging to the group of monoalphabetic substitution ciphers. using properties 1) and 2) yields = (3-1)*(23-22) = 2*4 = 8. Multiplicative Cipher : Encryption Decryption Method | Mono-alphabetic Substitution Cryptography Quick Trixx 5.13K subscribers Subscribe 38K views 5 years ago Cryptography and Network Security. QCCSWJUPQCCSW as an example to perform decryption using the multiplicative cipher. Furthermore it makes not much sense to consider numbers not between 1 and 36, because of the modulo. We have explored the first three properties already, however, the 4th property is new - but not totally new. For the English alphabet, where m = 26, this means a cannot be 2, 4, 6, 8 (any even number) or 13. The encryption of upper case plain letter works similarly except that I have to subtract A=65 (instead of a=101 as above) to obtain our desired plain letter number. Remember that the first 3 ciphers are meant to familiarize you with basic encryption systems. Therefore, we just have to add a number in order to get k=111. The basic task behind the multiplicative cipher is to use a large prime number as a multiplication key, and then use the modular arithmetic of the integers modulo, the key to encode and decode the plaintext. What is the inverse of 5 MOD 11? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. So the cipher text symbol will be w for the letter a in this case.

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multiplicative cipher calculator

multiplicative cipher calculator

multiplicative cipher calculator